October – Mid November – Terms of Engagement

Posted on November 17, 2008 by Shay

I’ve had quite a productive few days over the past few weeks in PhD land, it seems my whole focus and outlook has gradually shifted onto the PhD. hurrah!

Old sideprojects are now literally OLD sideprojects which I may kill off, and Ive done nothing but excitedly think of new ideas for Glitch related projects (a good 25 different project ideas to be exact! each tugging at an area of past and new interest with some broad themes emerging).

Of course, Im not anticipating that these will make the cut (one or two might), but I think I have the seeds for discussing what my PhD is about and what contexts I would be examining through these, and which technologies I’m likely to use.


Last month, on the 20 Oct, I had my meeting with Mathew, where we briefly discussed the format of the PhD, what I’m expected/likely to produce. After that meeting, I spent a good couple of days being very productive- then I went down with a really dodgy flu!

Justin is doing a practice based in Leeds, Justin and I studied together for many years. we discussed our individual approaches, and unsurprisingly they are extremely divergent, not least of which is in relation to the fact that I’m doing my PhD part time.

Phonecall with Ant
As ever, Ant is the sounding board for most of the ideas I’ll be coming up with. So Ive two phone conversations with him over the past two months which have put things into a particular perspective. Generally speaking I think Ant agrees that the concept heavy projects are more interesting at this stage.

Other Actions:

Ive been acquiring some fine artefacts from a distant past on Ebay. I love old analogue displays. Currently after a couple of failed bidding wars I managed to get a hold of my very own Sony FD – 20 Watchman with its own battery back! and a russian Vega 452 with a remarkably flat display.

DSC03274, originally uploaded by Iman.

DSC03262, originally uploaded by Iman.

DSC03261, originally uploaded by Iman.

Used the workshop / Laser cutting Facility 14 Nov.

Sourced Flourescent Acrylic paint.