Collaboration Prep. 1

Posted on February 14, 2009 by Shay

Last time I met Mathew we discussed the HCMF 09 work briefly and I came away with some interesting directions for future brainstorming and experimental work.

As it turned out we both have an interest in doing something interactive / participative. Possibly using portraiture on the visual side and composing with contributed audio. Last weekend, I went off the faces idea a bit and played with forming new structures out of existing building parts. not exactly a great result, although I may revisit it later.



Since last night and for pretty much all day today I’ve been thinking about the scramble suit in ‘A Scanner Darkly’.

Aside from being an amazing concept, visually the treatment they’ve given it is worthy of consideration. The multiple faces merge almost seamlessly and rapidly. the eyes stay aligned throughout.

This is important to me especially how I’m after a painterly aesthetic. I watched the DVD documentaries and anything I could find on youtube about it, as well as finding the people mentioned in the interviews to see if I could glean a bit more. At the end of the day, it turned out that the best way to try and figure out what they were doing was to go through the scrambler sequences frame by frame and observe. This weekend I’ll be experimenting a bit to see what I can come up with.

Needless to say all of this fragmented face stuff, also reminded me of two other bits of work. 1. Mongrel’s work from the late 90’s high concept nice execution.

Image from Mongrel website.

2. David Meanix‘s photo sculptures. I saw his work in Six Feet Under.

David Meanix