Shay Moradi
fine-print of consciousness (the cat bin lady 10 years on)
Psychology of self control as a muscle
Abstraction – Construal-level Theory
Design Capitalism: Design, Economics and Innovation in the Auto-Industrial Age
Rory Sutherland on Behavioural Economics
Future London Academy Branding
BMW Group Designworks – Beyond Mobility
Designing Behaviour + Patterns
How Tech Makes an Experience out of Everything
650HP Electric Apex AP-0 Concept Supercar Reveal To Rival Tesla Roadster & Rimac
Noah takes a photo of himself every day for 20 years
Program Animated GIFs on your ESP32 OLED
Makerfocus Heltec WIFI_Kit_8 0.91 oled integrations concept
Easiest ESP8266 Tutorial (Using arduino)
OLED and Arduino: SPI v.s. I2C (ssd1306)
ATTINY85 with 0.96 128×64 i2C OLED Display on DIgiSpark Code Library
Arduino Game Project: Pong Game using an Arduino Uno and Color OLED display (SSD1331). Easy tutorial
0.96″ OLED Animated Sci-Fi UI/HUD Video Player
Arduino Anxiety – Uno, 128×32 OLED and u8g2lib
How to use Digispark ATtiny85 (smallest Arduino compatible board)
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